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Balm for the soul - Sacred Arts Camp ...

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Alex and I are recently back from nine days spent at an international Dance and Voice camp held in the beautiful Chiltern hills; Sacred Arts Camp.

The Camp centres on the Dances of Universal Peace, which can be likened to body prayers, or moving meditations. They often have a depth to them so profound, it is barely discernible; they offer such healing balm for the soul and are quite life changing.

There are many other activities on offer, including circle dance, creativity, circus skills, voice workshops, 5 Rhythms. In addition to these, there is also an opportunity to take part in a variety of daily spiritual activities.

Alex and I were fortunate this year to be able to offer some workshops in the Creativity Area. This is the kind of work we both love, so much so, that I am reluctant to even call it 'work'! Being afforded the opportunity to offer facilitated sessions where people get in touch with their innate creativity is key to what we do as Sustainable Source. We will be affording participants at our forthcoming weekend workshop in September the opportunity to create some beautiful bespoke artworks, but for now, here are a selection of items created over a week in May on a beautiful field in the Chilterns:

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